August 21st Meeting

During our Saturday, August 21st meeting we will recap the significance of the 8th of August, watch video 6 of Tony Evan’s Oneness Embraced study, and have a discussion on Justice.

We will be available at 10 am to discuss prior to our normal meeting time. If you missed our last few meetings you can watch the previous videos here.

Video 6 Discussion & Self-Reflection

      • Read Matthew 16:13-20
      • Who do you say Jesus is?
      • What is the purpose of the Church?
      • Jesus said, I will build my church…” Discuss again: What is the purpose of the Church?
      • Like weak levees, where has the Church in the U.S. been remiss/rebellious in pushing back evil,
        specifically as it relates to racism?
      • Like strong levees, where has the Church in the U.S. been faithful/righteous in pushing back evil,
        specifically as it relates to racism?
      • The Church has been given the keys to access heaven’s authority. What keys have you been using to
        address evil in society, in your sphere of influence? (Matthew 16:19)
      • Discuss the Application question.
      • What is one thing you can do this week to better represent Jesus and what it means to be a
        Christian as it relates to overcoming the racial divide?
    • Ask yourself one of the following questions:
      • As a Christian, how can I help to hold back the sin of racial division, injustice, racism?
      • Do I know the purpose to which God has called me?
      • How am I representing the “homeland (kingdom of God)?” Read I Peter 2:4-5, 9-11
    • Purpose of the Church:
      • Levy to hold back evil.
      • Promote the kingdom of God.
      • Coming together of individual stones unified to make something bigger (levy).
      • Made up of individuals who are linked whose job is to reflect and legislate the values of the kingdom of
      • God’s legislative agency from heaven to history.
  • Scripture

Other discussion topics:

  • Hola Festival




Oneness Embraced study questions from the New City Church study guide.